My new Kickstarter campaign with Creative Time for The Privilege of Escape is live!!
Last December, Creative Time launched its first ever open call for emerging artists and received over 600 applications. My escape room proposal was chosen as their inaugural project, and is debuting this July in New York City. I am beyond thrilled to be working with them and can't wait to bring this project to life.
Creative Time's projects are always free and open to the public, however, the unique team-game structure of the escape room format means that capacity is particularly limited.
Creative Time is covering the cost of production of the project, but together we want to raise $20,000 by May 30 to extend the length of The Privilege of Escape, so it can run more days each week, with longer hours, and for a longer time period.
More money = more people who get to play!
So far, we’ve reached almost 50% of our goal, but we’ve still got a long way to go. When you back our Kickstarter, you join Creative Time's efforts to work with the next generation of socially engaged artists. Bonus: you get access to some pretty nifty incentives, such as guaranteed ticket entry, behind the scenes secrets, and, obviously, merch!
Watch the video below, and click here to back our campaign!!