I've been meaning to post a list of the press that I got from Please Enable Cookies. I was touched and blown away by the interest that people showed in my work! It's funny... I had no idea that making a piece about privacy would push me in the public eye. I never thought about what it would be like to get thoughtful and encouraging emails from complete strangers or what it would be like to have people trashing my work without having experienced it. As an emerging artist, it's always a struggle to get my work out there and to make sure people know what I'm up to. When I post things online, there's always the feeling of "who is really looking for information about me anyway?"... but I guess the moral of the story is that you never know when you'll end up in a popular Mashable article and all of a sudden people start paying attention!
Here is the original article that started it all (co-published by ProPublica and Mashable):
And here are some of the articles that followed:
Perhaps the most interesting, and often amusing, data that I ending up collecting from this process were the tags that the publications put on the articles about my project, especially: Odd News, Stunt, Consumers, Research, EFF, Facebook, Advertising, Tracking, Cool Finds, and (my personal favorite) Come On People.