Win or Lose

interactive installation
dimensions variable
Win or Lose is a multi-player version of a disc drop carnival game. Players simultaneously drop a disk from the top of the pegged board and where it lands determines whether they win, lose, or continue playing.
The game is free to play, but the participants must agree to be stamped with “WINNER” or “LOSER” based on the outcome of the game. Players can earn a temporary badge of honor (or shame) by literally putting some skin in the game.
People often mistake the disk drop as a game of skill, when in reality it is a game of chance. My version promotes that misconception by the addition of another player, creating a direct competition scenario, and by the incorporation of the risk or reward at the end.
This temporary installation was commissioned by the NYC Department of Transportation for Citi Summer Streets.
More Information:
- process photos: #WinOrLose
photos: Justin Hoch